NEWS & The ScareFest!

In Lexington, KY, September 12-15, this year’s annual ScareFest convention is happening, and I’ll be there at booth 48 with the Deadman’s Tome group selling copies of all my novels and my novella. With me will be titans such as James Watts (author of THEM), Richard Rumple (author of TRAIN OF BLOOD and others), and Tony Evans (author of BETTER YOU BELIEVE). We’d love it if you could come out and visit with us, take photos with us, and buy some books! HINT: we’ll even sign and inscribe them for you!

This year’s celebrity guests at the event are the ever outstanding Bruce Campbell of EVIL DEAD fame (among myriad other wonderful flicks), Skeet Ulrich of SCREAM fame, Lori Petty from TANK GIRL (and a lot of others), and Felissa Rose from SLEEPAWAY CAMP. So long as we aren’t moved, my understanding is that our booth is right there where the celebs will be, so we’re hoping for lots of traffic. I’ll have ten copies EACH of: THE DAMNED PLACE, A MURDER OF SAINTS, THE HARD GOODBYE, and TRESPASS. I know Mr. Watts will have copies of THEM, Rumple will have copies of his books, and the same with Mr. Evans. These are all great people, and we’re sure to have an absolute blast. I will be there both Friday and Saturday, though I have to get back on the road early Sunday morning, so I won’t be there for that day, however, I believe some of the others will be. So, come see us. Hang out. Buy some books and support your up and coming authors. Write reviews. Tell others about their books. But most importantly, don’t miss this event!

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